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A 16 hour musical audio record of full length Śriimaḍ Bhagavaḍgiiṭoopanishaḍ with commentary in Telugu for each verse/ślóka, was released from this institution, as early as in 1984.  It is an encyclopedia of music with 174 raaga (tunes) composed by Dr. M. Chittaranjan, a famous music composer.  The major ślóka (of ŚriiBhagavaan) are sung by Sri K.B.K. Mohana Raju, a national singer of the Ministry of Broad-Casting.  This is a record of truth-perspective exposition.

It was dubbed into Tamil language in 1987. This record is now dubbed in to Kannada and Hindii languages. It is under dubbing into  English language. This is an unique effort, not attempted anywhere till today.

Krshṇa-Smaraṇa, Naaraayaṇa-Smaraṇa, Śiva-Smaraṇa are some other audio records, unique for their quality both musically and for truth-exposition. Prahlaaḍa-Cariṭra from Bhaagavaṭam, Saḍaaśiva Brahmeenḍra Krṭi, Ṭyaagaraaja Krṭi, Ṭaṭṭvam Paatalu (songs), Guru-Jỵaanam are some other audio-records released. Jayaḍeeva Ashtapaḍi (24 songs of full length) and 34 songs of the truth of Krshṇa, all of melodious music are recent releases.

A video on Krshṇa-Smaraṇa, of one hour duration was released in 1996.  Krshna-Darsana, Raasa-Kriidaa are recent Videos of Telugu language.  Siva-Smarana, Madhuraastakam are recent Videos in 5 languages  Telugu, Tamizh, Kannada, Hindii and English.  Conduction of Universe/Uni-Verse in the Human being  is another Video released in English.

Man is not mere physical body. He is based on the Non-Physical sense from Mind to Consciousness. This truth is a logic of design of the universe. Esteemed reality over this truth is that  Lord Krshna is characteristically the Divine Base of Activity of the beings, more precisely for the Human Beings. The figure of incarnation with flute which is popular, is representatively defined from top to feet the said characteristically Divine Base of Activity. This Non-Physical base is a Non-Physical Vision  Darsana for the Divine Intelligence of the man. The Video Krshna-Darsana is the vivid presentation of this truth-perspective. A discourse explaining the theme of the video follows in the presentation.

The narrations of the Epics of the Hinduu truth-perspective, expound only  the Non-Physical Characteristic Divine Base all through their narrations/expositions while apparently  they are read as physical narrations. Some of such narrations are mischievously  read illicitly and obscene by ignorance. Such a mischievous reading is popular where Lord Krshna conducted  with the cowherd women who are highly devoted to Lord Krshna. Their devotion was highly sensitive at the same time not readable for awareness. By the  story of the Epic, Krshna was young boy  of  about ten years age, while the cowherd women were aged  family women. There could be  no illicit relationship between them. The relationship maintained  by them was pious devotion where the women sought divine elevation and nothing else. Their play with Lord Krshna is Kriidaa, the blessing  of Lord Krshna in correcting  the subjective activity  of the women for which the women divinely respond. The divine response is subjective sounding of comprehension and observation of the blessing of Lord Krshna. This is Raasa on the part of the women. Thus, Raasa-Kriidaa is Subjective Divine Activity of the women, of all the beings/men over the divine blessing of the Lord Krshna. A discourse explaining the theme of the video follows in the presentation.

Beings/men behave haphazard in there life trough their physical body and mundane affairs, so much so  that their consciousness of subjectivity is lost for their identification. They remain self-cheated. Lord-Siva is the rescue for them who counter-acts for their behaviour. Such a divine act of Lord-Siva is divine dance of the Universe. This divine dance is a subjective reading for the men, precisely for the aspirants of truth-perspective. This subjective reading is Linga subjective consciousness for the men. Thus by the truth exposition of the scriptures, the truth of  Lord Siva which is characteristically presented for penance through an apparent physical form Gangaadhara, Jataadhara, etc., is also presented as Linga subjective consciousness for the men. The present Video Siva-Smarana presents the balanced exposition of Lord Siva  of apparent physical form and Linga of the Subjective Consciousness. A briefing  explaining the theme of the video precedes in the presentation.

The subjective sense of the beings, distinctly the aspirants of truth, Ashtaka pervades Madhu  from Mind to Consciousness through their multifarious activities and jobs. This is Maduraastaka the subject of the video. The video presents Madhu the sense of Lord Krshna characteristically the Divine Base of Activity of the beings, Ashtaka pervading through their  Consciousness to Mind and traveling through the physical body up to the external affairs. The video presents this theme both by the figure of incarnation of Lord Krshna and characteristic of the Sense of the beings/men.  A briefing  explaining the theme of the video precedes in the presentation.


Numerous hours,  over 2000 hours,  of discourses on various texts of the scriptures have been recorded.    They are unique of their truth-perspective. To quote an example,  there is a record of 120 hour discourse on the difference between Saṭṭvaguṇa and Śuḍḍhasaṭṭva based on the verses of Giitaa. The latest Discourses emphasise on the subjective non-physical language of expression,  comparable with the mundane expression, over all the familiar bodily movements and mundane affairs under conduct by the beings/men and apparently comprehended from the scriptures. These elevated expressions are released on the subjects — Gurujyaana, Krshnaliilalu. Such expressions of Discourses are under editing on the subjects  Giitaa and Giita-govinda, as also the works of Sankaraacaarya on Advaita.